God choose you ! My first Blog

Acts 4:13
“When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus”. 
Greetings in the name of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Here you are, God choose you irrespective of what you are. God has a calling and a purpose for your life that no man can take credit for. He loves you more than anything in the entire universe. If you doubt this statement, tell me who in the world can sacrifice his/her life for you. Who would take up the cross for your sins and bear up all the pain just for YOU. Yes He loves you.
He choose you- If you read the first line, it says they were Unschooled, Untrained and Ordinary men. The next line is astounding! ‘They took note that Jesus was with them’. 
Yes, it doesn’t matter what you are or what you have done in life. People may disrespect you for your Appearance, Education, Culture and lifestyle…. Just remember that. As long as you have Jesus by your side no one can disrespect you.
You maybe ordinary, uneducated, unprofessional, useless or whatever the world calls you. But remember the one who created you calls you BY NAME.
You don’t have to be -
·         Educated  
·         Professional
·         Cultured
·         Polished

To be used by God. You just have to be yourself.
Come to him as Broken, Discouraged, Helpless and Hopeless… He can use you just the way you are. Nothing is impossible with him who knows you by Name even before you formed in your mother’s womb. God choose you and has Purpose in your life. Your birth was not an accident. Remember every detail of you is sealed by God. And that’s why you and I are here.

Today, ask God to reveal his purpose in your life. !!!

Be Blessed

With Love- Esther ♥️


  1. Wow...so much of truth in it. Thank you dea Estha for the love share. God bless you! Come up with more inspirational messages.

    1. Thanks dear Miriam. Let god be glorified. Thanks for your time. Lets support each other through Christ.

  2. So True.. God Loves us irregardless of what the World thinks of you... He Is your creater and the word of God says everything that was Created and made by him was GOOD... Let no1 tell you youa int good enough cause you ARE.. Thank you Esther

    1. Dear Beautiful. All glory to god. Thank you so much for your time and words. Means a lot. continue to pray and support.

  3. Thank you very much esther ma'am...Its very inspirational words for me ,once again thank you for sharing...❤❤❤❤❤❤😍😍😍

    1. God bless you dear. Jesus deserves the glory .Thank you so much for your time and words. Means a lot. continue to pray and support.

  4. 💥This is incredibly one of the best blog learnt ma love❤️, thanks for sharing it to me.... Yeshua is gonna lift u higher and higher💣😍, all honour and glory belongs to Him alone🌟🙈.

    1. Thank you Love. God bless you.. Jesus deserves the glory. Thank you so much for your time and words. Means a lot. continue to pray and support.

  5. Amen!!!! It's been so encouraging sis... Yes, we can rely on our Father God at all times surrendering ourselves the way we are..Thank you so much sister...

    1. God bless you dear. Jesus deserves the glory .Thank you so much for your time and words. Means a lot. continue to support through prayer.


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