
Greetings !!
I’m glad and excited to share what I’ve got in my heart from a long time.

WORSHIP- It is something that I can never stop doing.

Worship is bringing heaven down. It is not 2 hours of service on Sunday morning, it’s a life style. It’s warfare. It is a real burning heat from within.

Worship is gratitude of heart expressed through words. Worship is tearing down the curtains of heaven and worshiping the Lord in the beauty of his holiness with thousands and thousands of angels with twenty four elders singing Hosanna, Hosanna to the king of kings with ten stringed instruments, trumpet, cymbals, harp and lute and saying My Redeemer Lives!! 

With my hands lifted up and my mouth filled with praise with a heart of thanksgiving I’ll worship thee O Lord.

Oh how beautiful it is.Do you know the feel of bringing heaven down? It’s simply Amazing…

 When do we worship God? It’s when we experience His powerful move in our lives. It’s when He does the impossible in our lives. It’s having Him beyond our comfort zone and knowing that He is there…

We see so many incidents in the Bible where people worship God in different circumstances.

I was deeply moved by the worship of JOB. What a righteous man he is. It reminded me of one verse which says in Job 1:20- Then Job arose tore his robe and shaved his head and he fell to the ground and Worshiped.

If you all know the story of Job it’s such a devastating moment of his life. He lost his everything in a blink of an eye. His house, cattle, goods, servants and mostly importantly his ten children…. He lost everything in one day…..I don’t know how he would have felt. How he should have gone through this pain...It brings me tears. But still then He worships God. What a man he should be? He says -The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.

Just pause a moment and think how painful Job should have been to praise God in a worst situation like this. His wife says- Curse God and die but then he says- How can we accept only Good from God and shall we not accept Bad? In everything that he did he did not sin.

 Is your life like the life of Job?
Tell me?  it’s been how many days that you have worshiped God for all that he has done ? Have you ever looked back and realized that God loved you despite your flaws, despite wrong doings, despite your dark sins, despite your worldly desires?  And did you ever thank him for that?

Today, I just want to put forth that God delights in your worship. Do not nag at the problems that you have, God already knows it. He will be there right beside you when you go through the storms of your life. But don’t forget to thank Him and give Him Praise for everything that He has done for you.

Today I stand amazed by how God has Blessed my life beyond measure. I can never stop praising Him. I still can shout the name of Jesus as louder as possible and say MY REDEEMER LIVES.

Come on go ahead and worship God. I’ll tell you it’s beautiful. You can bring heaven down and experience the presence of the lord. You don’t have to go to church to worship God, spend some time alone with God. Praise Him by recollecting of how He has lead you. Your words will turn into worship.

Just reminded you of the beauty of life that never fades away. Do not worry about the problems, He’s got it. Live for the moment, Worship God and experience Heaven.


Hope this was a Blessing.
God Bless

With Love


  1. Indeed a blessing. Yes I would join you and shout aloud saying my Redeemer lives. Glory be to God! 💜

  2. "MY REDEEMER LIVES" now n forever... Thank you Jesus for being ma everythn in MA lyf... Thousands years, lips n songs wud nt suffice to praise Him for His mighty deeds n grace upon us... Thank you sister for ur wonderful words of encouragement...


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