
Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Today lets talk about LOVE...

It says that LOVE is a universal language, yes it is.
How do you define love?
There are a lot of definitions and meanings to this.
Love can be of different types, love between parents and children, between a boy and a girl, between friends etc...
But do you think these are permanent?
We have so many situations where we get hurt by this word called Love. Yes of course I have also been through it. Many times we cry out of pain, been into depression and lost ourselves by this simple word.

Love is always given by what we receive. For what we receive we Love. 
So that is the reason we get so obsessed by this. And we forget the true Love.
When I came to know that the love of this world is just a passing cloud and does not make things permanent. That’s when I realized what true LOVE is.

Romans 5:8
 But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
You might wonder what I am talking about. Yes, will anybody on this earth Love you for the wrong things that you committed? 
Just like I said in the beginning Love is always given by what we receive. 

Tell me what did Jesus receive from you to Love you?
Moreover to love over the sins that you have committed. In all the above said LOVE we saw that, it’s just the replication of what we receive from others, when it doesn't last we get overruled by it.

But have you considered this Man who loved you at your darkest, who loved you even when you went away from Him, loved you even when He knew that you couldn't love Him back, loved you when others didn't love you, loved you when you still went behind the worldly love.

Yes, He did love you all the time.... 
And when you came back realizing all those love were just temporary, He still waiting there with arms open wide to embrace you and readily love you again. 
He is just waiting for you to come back. He still loves you irrespective of your past. No matter what your life is up-to He still LOVES you. 
I realized this love when I was lost in the love of the world. Jesus is the True love that anybody can fall in love with. 
                         Relationship Status: In Love with Jesus. 

He Loved us while we were yet sinners, not when we repented for our sins and asked forgiveness. But before all that, before you could ask forgiveness or before you could even realize you have sinned. He loved you. 

Not only did He love us in words but proved it by action by giving Himself on the Cross. He just went through all the pain that you and I should go just because you shouldn't feel the pain of death that sin gives. I don't know will any other love be able to compare with this eternal love of God.
He loves you and will love you till the end.


I fell in love with Jesus , so when are you going to fall in love with Him. 
Trust me; this love will never let you down

Hope it was a Blessing.
God bless you all.

With Love
