Why me God ??

Greetings to you all in Jesus Name!!

 WHY ME?? 

Have you ever had this question in life??
Yes, Most of us have gone through it, or maybe going through it. It is an unanswered question.
We don't know WHY God allows things. We don't know what impact it has in our life? We don't know what are its consequence’s.....these questions taunt us everyday...
Have you wondered why??? Why am I asked to go in this very season of life? What does it do with me? Why am I facing things again and again? Life seems to be a roller coaster.
ohh, these questions just weary us out. 

To be honest: I was in this face of life asking God why me? Why have you allowed things in my life which I don't want to learn, what does it do with me?
 These questions just put me down in the presence of the Lord with tears and anxiety of not knowing what will my future hold. Cried, wrestled and argued with God as he is the only person that I can approach..... After being in the presence of the Lord. God reveals things as why he allows things in life? 

He just pointed me to one verse Mathew 27:46 where: Jesus himself asks his heavenly father “WHY ME" This verse blew me up. I wonder why Jesus had to ask that question. He felt that God left him for a moment and he couldn't bear that situation, but helplessly asks WHY.  Jesus himself also had to go through this. If Jesus himself went through his, how much more you and me? 

But still you can ask me WHY? Let me tell you why he allows. 

1. For our Goodness - Rom 8:28 He doesn't simply allow things; he wants us to know that those painful situations are for our goodness.
2. No flesh can take credit- I Cor 1:29 For all the things that happens in life whether good or bad, God deserves the credit, No man can boast about himself if good happen, and that is the reason why God allows thing to happen in life that a mere man cannot do anything about it, and he finally turns to God, who makes the impossible things possible. And the due credit goes to God and not man. And in this season of life Man realizes that he should depend on God for everything.
3. God knows what he is doing- I Cor 2: 16 He is the person who takes charge over everything and who are we to instruct God to do things in life like the way we wanted it. He knows what he is doing.
4. To Discipline - Heb 12:11 He allows things because he wants us to be disciplined. He wants us to learn that nothing can come without discipleship. He wants us to get trained in our season of trouble and pain. 
5. To Teach us the Way- Ps 32: 8 He wants us to teach us the way we should walk. He instructs us and guides us in the path that we need to take. He will take us through the narrow path for us to see the eternity.
6. To Test our Faith- James 1:3 He wants to see how much we Trust him in seasons of despair. He checks upon us. He wants to know how much we depend on him.
7. To Refine us- I Peter 1:6-7 He wants us to go through the fire, get tested and come out with shining Gold. He refines us in our season.
8. To show us the eternal Happiness: Rom 8:18 The pain we go through now cannot compare with the joy that is coming in the future. Hard situation-Eternal Happiness
9. To Restore broken things- Nahum 2:2 He wants to restore what we have lost. In this season of WHY GOD? He restores our life like never before. 

And so take a deep breath now.......
Our season may seem WHY, but we serve the God of all Possibilities. Accept what you’re going through without questioning God.
In this situation:
Just go to your heavenly father. Kneel down, lift up your hands and cry out and say what and how you feel. He has a reason and a Purpose for everything in life. He wants the best things for you.
Now you might feel WHY? But later you will say THANK YOU!!

Be Encouraged- Jesus himself went through this pain 
Heb 4: 15-16 - For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Don't limit God's Power by your words. He can do much more than you can imagine. 
Hi guys! Okay so this is a huge problem for me personally and might be for some of you guys too! Whenever something goes wrong I always ask God why me? What did I do to deserve this problem or these trials? I rarely take the time to see what God is trying to teach me and show me. Almost always my problems are the result of my own sinful actions. God lets me have the problems to teach me a lesson that lesson being my sin hurts others or my laziness caused me to not do as well on a test. Don't foc

Hope this was a Blessing, God bless you all!
Be Blessed 

With Love 
