

Greetings in the precious name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.

OBEDIENCE is nothing but being fully humbled at the command of anything that is superior to us. So why am I talking about Obedience? Obedience is the primary step for any greater vision in life.

From school days we are asked to obey our Parents, Teachers, elders and the Governing rulers. But have you ever heard anybody say BE OBEDIENT to GOD?? We could have heard from our spiritual parents and elders? But this Obedience to God is not easily spoken by everybody. So here is where I want to bring in the importance of being Obedient to God.

You may ask me- How do I know that I’ve to Obey God? Here is a simple question; do you ask God to fulfill your needs? Do you ask him to give the desires of your heart? Do you put all your problems and worries to him and ask him to solve all those for you? Yes we have asked God about all of these things. When you know that you have to ask Him for all those things, then why you don’t know that you have to obey Him? 

God is pleased by our OBEDIENCE. There are so many people in Bible who have Obeyed God irrespective of their circumstances and situation. Here are few Examples:

   Abraham and Sarah: We see their life was fruitless. They came to a situation where we see Sarah passed the age of child bearing and she doubted her faith on God. But God says ‘Have Faith’ invariably be Obedient.  I wonder what kind of season Abraham and Sarah would have gone through. They had no clue of how it will happen, how will things work, she was 99 and Abraham was 100 years old when they got a son Isaac. How powerful and supernatural our God is. It’s because of their OBEDIENCE to God. God reminds Sarah at one point where she doubts Him; In Gen 18:14 ‘Is anything to hard for the Lord? At the appointed time I will make it happen’

    2 Paul: What a Man he is. We see his history as how he was persecuting the Church and the Christians. But one day God called him and said “you are my Chosen vessel”. Paul could have asked ‘Why should I serve you when I myself persecuted you’ But he doesn’t even speak a word against God. He simply Obeys. And we could see his life as how powerful God moved him in every way. He went through so many things. He was sure to run a race that was marked in front of him, we never saw him murmuring against God. But he considered as pure joy to suffer for Him. He says I will boast in my sufferings in Christ other than myself. He was in labors more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prison more frequent, in deaths often, he received 39 stripes, thrice beaten in rod, stoned, thrice shipwrecked, He was in danger of: water, robbers, his own country, other men, in wilderness and most of the time in weariness and toil, in sleeplessness, in hunger and thirst, in fasting, in cold and nakedness. But all these things we see Paul being OBEDIENT to God. And God lifts him up higher than any other Man.  You may ask me why Paul had to go through these things and what he gains from it. The answer is God called him and above everything Paul attained his crown of life and he is with the Lord Jesus for eternity. What else do we need when our names are written in the book of life and see Jesus face to face and live with him forever and ever?

     3 Jesus Christ:  Yes Jesus was also OBEDIENT to His father’s will. Why should He obey when He is the son of the highest God? Jesus was Obedient even unto death.  In Philippians 2:   5-11 it says
     Who, being in very nature of God,
    did not consider equality with God something to be used to His own advantage;
rather, He made himself nothing
    by taking the very nature of a servant,
    being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
    He humbled himself
    by becoming obedient to death—
        even death on a cross!

    Oh what a King I worship? How wonderful our God is? He was obedient even death on Cross. And see what God the father says for Jesus being Obedient
  Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place
    and gave Him the name that is above every name,
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
    to the glory of God the Father.

     What a blessing of being Obedient. Consider Jesus, He doesn’t have to be obedient at all. He still chooses to be obedient just to set an example for us, that through OBEDIENCE you can inherit the highest Blessings.

    What is your level of OBEDIENCE to God? Like Abraham that through OBEDIENCE called the father of faith, Paul through OBEDIENCE attained his crown of life. Jesus through OBEDIENCE even to death gained a name that is above every name and at the name of Jesus every Knee should bow and proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord.

     Dear friends, if you want to inherit the highest blessings from God- OBEDIENCE is the first step. Obedience Is The Highest Form Of Worship. You have to choose to Love Jesus Christ enough to Obey Him.
    Hope it was a Blessing.
God bless you all

With Love
