God's Faithfulness

Greetings in the precious name of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

So glad to have you all meet through this Blog. As we are nearing to the New Year of Blessings and promises, Its time to reflect back and see as How Faithful our God is !

  Luke 17:16 says 'He fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks'.
Remember God , who was your Protector in times of Danger, Provider in times of Need, Comforter in times of Distress, Stronghold in times of Hopelessness, Healer in times of Sickness.Yes He had been there in everything you went through, Even when you didn't not know that He was there, He still did. Many a times you could have experienced a super natural move,a comfort,a sudden Help from someone that you wanted, a little cash that you needed, a simple touch to make you feel better, a smile you wanted in pain, a hug in your hard times, an accident that did not harm you.Have you felt these things happening without your knowledge, Have you ever wondered who was there behind all these things ?  Yes!!!  Jesus was there. Don't we serve an Awesome God ??
Throughout the year God had been so faithful to you, when you were struggling with your emotions and feelings He made sure that you were comforted,when you lost someone close to your heart He made sure that the person whom you lost is with Him in Eternity. When you went through sickness He made sure that you were alright and healed, When you had U-turn in life He made sure that your transformation will be your greatest Testimony,When you went through a pain in life, cried so much that no one knew expect God He made sure that you are made stronger than before. When you went through everything in Life throughout the year He made sure that He was there.In many situation you wouldn't have called up to God to help you, thinking you would do it on your own but in the end it turns out to be a failure, Even then He was there. Just to make you understand that you cannot do anything without HIM. John 15:5b : For without Me you can do nothing

In this moment all that reminds me of: Is the Lost son. He took everything from the Father and went on his own way, he lavishly spent everything, when he had nothing with him he was left with pig's food to eat. There he realizes that he needs to go back to his Father. Not as a Son this time but as a Servant. He knew that he was wrong and sinned and he needs his Father. He realized how far he went away from his Father and now its high time to return back. In this context, we too went in our own way and lost the Father in search of the world. Throughout the year we have been away from God and when we understood that we left him somewhere and couldn't find we return back to Him. When the son returns home, the Father sees from afar and runs to his Son, before the son could reach the Father, the Father comes running to him, moved with compassion,hugged him, kissed him in his dirt, and celebrated the day saying ; My Son who was Lost is now Found. The son cries to his Father saying, I've sinned in your sight Dad, please forgive me and accept me as one of your servants for I am not worthy to be called as a Son, But the Father calls him as My Son. 
That is the Love of Jesus the Father. He simply waits for you to return and get back to Him, and when you come back realizing he doesn't wait for you to reach him , He comes half way to hug you and kiss you and call you My Son and My Daughter. That is Love. 
Like the Son we too have lost our way through the year, made wrong decisions,fell down, broken, lost, helpless, struggled with coming up, needed a shoulder to lean on,cried many a times, gone behind close doors, longed for love, sleepless nights, in all those things where we went away with our own feelings, He waited and wanted you to return from the same place where you left Him, because He is still waiting there.You might wonder what I am to Him that He thinks of me so much ? Job 7:17 says; What is the Man, that you should exalt him, that you should set your heart on him. 
The answer is; Ephesians 2:4-6 says; God who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loves us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us together and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Is this not Beautiful..I'm left with tears oh! How we are loved by our Father !
He loves you the way you are!! Your mess is not a surprise to Him. 
We serve a God who is Faithful. We serve a God who doesn't get carried away with our emotions and feelings. If you went through all these things in this year then you serve a God who just loves you the way you are. Stay Humble and Trust Him. He's got plans for your life that will amaze you and make you wonder as how God has moved in your life. He Knows your Heart !
He promises in Isaiah 42:9; Behold the former things have come to pass, and new things I declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them
If in fact you think your ways and your decision in life are all right Proverbs 19:21 says; There are many plan's in a man's heart, Nevertheless the Lord's counsel- that will stand.
Seek God's counsel and His will to make any decisions in life.Set up Godly goals in 2020.Keep Him first. He is a God who is faithful in keeping up His promises, He will definitely do what He has promised in your life.

Commit your ways to the Lord and your thoughts will be Established. 
Have a Blessed Year 2020
Hope this was a Blessing. 
God bless you all 

With Love


  1. Amen ❤❤❤
    Very encouraging. God Bless You

  2. The blog is really heart touching... May this blog lead many in righteous path ... 💗
    Yes!!! Without Jesus I'm nothing


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